The PROEMED project is promoted by the European Commission in the scheme of the Erasmus+ “Capacity Building in Higher Education” programme. It is implemented in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, as a curriculum development joint project andpurses the objective to design, establish and implement new Master study programmes on “Environmental Protection and Energy Efficient Buildings” in the Partner Countries.
The Master programmes and the related training delivered both in the Partner Countries and Member States are focused on the engineering approach for energy efficiency in buildings, since this sector is responsible for about 40% of global primary energy consumption. In order to reduce energy intensity, a significant scientific activity has been developed in recent years, leading to the definition of the concept of "NZEB: Net Zero Energy Building". Important features of PROEMEDare also:
- Participation from stakeholders’ institutions (local authorities responsible for environmental issues, entrepreneurs associations, research centres on energy issues) thatare contributing to the analysis of trends and structural changes in the PCs higher education systems.Such partnership ensures a fundamental support tothe project's objectives, in order to promote synergies among academia, labour market and key players of the different socio-economic frameworks in South Mediterranean Region;
- Dissemination in important Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian Universities of the skills related to the design of study programmes compliant with the trends of the Bologna Process. According to this, the learning outcomes structure has been introduced by moving from an institutional to a student-centered approach.